tataaaa... DiRT 3

Codemasters'tan Formula 1 oyunu çıkmadan dumanı üstünde bir haber daha: DIRT 3

EGO Engine'i kullanacak olan Dirt 3 2011'de raflardaki yerini alacak...

İlk trailer:

Passmark güncel GPU sıralaması


Kaynak : http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/high_end_gpus.html

Test Drive Unlimited 2


Test Drive Unlimited 2 screenshot'lardaki gibi görünüp gelirse çok güzel olacak...

Assassin Creed 2 icin Skidrow'un release NFO icerigi


Olayın legalitesi bir tarafa... Skidrow grubunun bahsetmiş olduğu iki nokta gerçekten çok güzel...

Assassin Creed 2 icin Skidrow'un release NFO icerigi :

While we worked on this release, we noticed that several news
webpages, forums, blogs etc. posted information, including a
screenshot of a Ubisoft server attack message, which showed
our group name.

First of all, that picture is a fake, nor would any member of
Skid Row cause such riot, as we're only here to compete with
our game release competitors, nothing else.

Neither do we encourage anyone to take such actions, no matter
how much we agree, that DRM's like this one, are only hurting those that do want to buy the game or have bought it.

Another point is those news medias, we mentioned before, post
anything these days, no matter if it's a joke or not. Beware
what you're posting, just because you want to prank someone.

This release is an accomplishment of weeks of investigating,
experimenting, testing and lots of hard work.

We know that there is a server emulator out in the open, which
makes the game playable, but when you look at our cracked
content, you will know that it can't be compared to that.

Our work does not construct any program deviation or any kind
of host file paradox solutions. Install game and copy the
cracked content, it's that simple.

Since we don't want to see cheap imitations, we protected our
work with a solid shield. Not because we want to deceive the
majority, like certain people out there, but because we have
in the past been an open book of knowledge for our competitors.Û Û

Real cracking is done by The Leading Force!

Special Notes:

Thank you Ubisoft, this was quiete a challenge for us, but nothing stops the leading force from doing what we do. Next
time focus on the game and not on the DRM. It was probably
horrible for all legit users. We just make their lifes easier.

Special greetz to our friends in GENESIS, you guys are amongst
the very few who still manage to do this with the scene spirit
intact. Well done guys!

Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!

Artık Türkçe: ActionScript 3.0 Dil ve Bileşenler Başvurusu


Artık Türkçe: ActionScript 3.0 Dil ve Bileşenler Başvurusu
